Sunday, March 31, 2013

Heaven On Earth

There were 6 little angels all in a row,
Who would be the first one to go,
They all hoped he'd choose them,
The reward was to love a man,

They all knew just what it meant,
It meant they would be heaven sent,
To be chosen for one special man,
It's all part of his heavenly plan,

It meant they would be loved too,
By the man he knew was most sad and blue,
His other half the chosen one shall be,
Her love will last for an eternity,

She would loose her wings,
And loose her memories too,
The loss to her means everything,
But the love she will have means,
Heaven on earth...

You can see this and many other poems I've imposed on photos below by scrolling down to the bottom of the page, or to see only this poem, click here: